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Forme 04: Totality
Forme 04 was a special issue commissioned to tie-in with the total solar eclipse that passed over the US on 8 April 2024.
The theme, ‘awe’, was chosen to help explain the experience to those who witnessed the eclipse and define the sense of wonder that accompanied it. A commissioned feature by social psychologist Jennifer Stellar explored the moments of incomprehensible vastness that leave us awestruck, how the feeling of awe affects us physically, and how our modern use of the word has shifted over time. There was also a look at the stories that different cultures have used to explain the disappearance of the sun behind the moon in their own mythology.
The pamphlet, which can also be displayed as a poster when unfolded, has been printed from hand-set and hot-metal type. Printed letterpress, ‘Forme’ refers to the locked-up arrangement of type inside a chase for printing.
Supported by the Simons Foundation as part of its In the Path of Totality initiative.
Printed on Peregrina Majestic King’s Blue 120gsm
Size: 163mm x 230mm (645 x 460mm unfolded)
Limited edition of 250 copies
See also: Forme 01: Untruth, Forme 02: Curses, Forme 03: Tearful